
Hello (AI) World

Hello (AI) World

We're just kicking things off with a short post to introduce the site. We invision PromptDen to be a place to share and learn all about prompt engineering. We really hope you enjoy the site and stick around for all the great features we have planned!

We would like to have a roadmap up soon but that is contengent upon us having the time to put something together in between building the actual features. Time is always a strugle. To name just a few things you can look forward to:

  • Collections (collect your favorite art / prompts into groups you can manage)
  • Commenting on prompts
  • A Marketplace (contingent on interest from the community)
  • ChatGPT integration to run prompts directly from the site (also contingent on interest)
  • A chrome plugin to make sharing easier and quicker.

Have a great idea of your own? Let us know with the feedback button below or reach out via email! You can find that via the contant link in the footer. We're always open to new ideas and would love to hear your thoughts!

We hope you enjoy the site and please help us spread the word!

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