
Forge Changelog

History of PromptForge releases.


08/14/2024  •   7 months ago

Based on your feedback, this update brings a lot of user exerience improvements. Some notible changes include:

  • Our prompts limit has been bumped up from 2000 characters to 3200 characters for our free tier and our paid tier is still unlimited as it has always been.
  • Labels for all main navigation. (These labels can be turned off in the nav settings menu for anyone that doesn't want them.)
  • Revamp of our prompts page, cleaning up some extra data and making it more digestable. We have some other major reworks to this coming as well.
  • We've depricated our GPT section for now. Based on our stats, these sections were used by less than 1% of all users.
  • Collections cleanup and some small bug fixes in this section.
  • Quick prompt page cleanup.
  • Other small bug fixes and cleanup.

Thanks again for your support! As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us for support, questions or suggestions!


01/02/2024  •   1 year ago

Today we're releasing some settings section updates in the app. This addresses a few bugs found and also adds a few new settings options.

  • We've added navigation options to the settings section. This allows you to hide entire sections from the main navagation that you may not use frequently.
  • Fixed a bug where configuration may not save properly when changing settings and then quickly navigating away from the settings section.
  • General cleanup of the settings section and better syncing of settings changes.

Find a bug or have a suggestion? Don't hesitate to reach out via the support section in the app or via!


12/12/2023  •   1 year ago

This release features a host of bug fixes! Our launch has been a great success and we've recieved some invaluable feedback and bug reports!

To highlight a few of the major bugs that were squashed:

  • Authentication issue that would log you out when leaving the page.
  • An issue fetching GPT data from ChatGPT when creating new GPT's.
  • A few rare issues with image fetching when using
  • General code cleanup and better reporting of errors. 🎉

A huge thank you to everyone using PromptForge and our supporters! 🙌


11/21/2023  •   1 year ago

Today we're releasing v1.0! This is our first public release and the culmination of a ton of work over the past months. We hope you enjoy the app and bear with us while we work through any bugs as there are sure to be some.

❤️ A huge thank you to all of our testers and all the incredible feedback we've gained while building this out.


11/17/2023  •   1 year ago

This version introduces GPT support (recently announced by OpenAI for ChatGPT). This allows you to do the following with GPTs:

  • When creating a new prompt, if a GPT is detected it will ask if you would like to save that GPT along with the prompt.
  • On the prompts tab, you can now filter prompts by a specific GPT.
  • Prompts now display the GPT on the prompt page.
  • When using a prompt that is associated with a GPT, you'll automatically be taken the GPT in ChatGPT.

You can read more about GPT support here.

Note, these features are exclusive to ChatGPT. On other platforms, they simply won't show up.


11/17/2023  •   1 year ago

Hello World!

Today we released version 0.1.8. While the version number wouldn't indicate it, we're getting super close to launch! We have a few more things to tidy up and we'll be ready for launch. This release is namely to concide with our first changelog. We'll be posting updates here for what's new and improved on the app as we continue to develop it. Stay tuned!