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Adventure of Love: Gambit and Rogue in a Colorful Fantasy World

By @prompts  •  
Adventure of Love: Gambit and Rogue in a Colorful Fantasy World
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Embark on a colorful adventure of love and mystery with Gambit and Rogue in this stunningly detailed illustration.

Prompt Used

llustration, oil paintings, art and modern, youth, fancy world, male Gambit and lovely marvels female Rogue, cartoon styled, colorful, flourish. literature, book cover. Theme about adventure, mystery of love. Gambit kiss the girl Rogue which is very dreamy, soften, mellow in the sky and clouds surrounded by birds and butterfly, bee. Twisted energy flow visual effect, cinematic Light, Beautiful Girl in colorful hanfu, Beautiful flower headwear, Art Style, amazing theme, fantasy style, mertial art style, dynamic expressive, clean lines, ultra Detailed, Dynamic, cinematic Lights and colors, stunning, realistic lighting and shading, vivid, vibrant colors, octane render, unreal engine, concept art, ultra - realistic, Dramatic Light, 35mm Lens, Photo realistic, 32K, v - ray, rtx on
