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Intricate Stumpwork Embroidery: Textured Dan Aykroyd in Crewel Wool

By @prompts  •  
Intricate Stumpwork Embroidery: Textured Dan Aykroyd in Crewel Wool
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Capturing the intricate beauty of texture and detail in every stitch.

Prompt Used

craft an image that captures the intricate detail of a stumpwork embroidery piece, featuring a textured Dan Aykroyd. this embroidery uses crewel wool, creating a raised, tactile effect. the camera angle is a close - up, macro shot, highlighting the intricate details with a shallow depth of field, soft, diffused lighting should accentuate the contours and depth, casting gentle shadows that give a lifelike quality to the image and showcase the vibrant colors against a dark backdrop, making the composition pop with a baroque sense of drama and vitality.
