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Organic Abstract Chrysanthemum: Delicate, Intricate 32k UHD Photo

By @mjart  •  
Organic Abstract Chrysanthemum: Delicate, Intricate 32k UHD Photo
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Capturing the delicate and intricate details of a Chrysanthemum flower in a stunning organic abstract composition, layered with ultrafine detail and the essence of bloomcore. Behold the mesmerizing beauty in this photo taken using schlieren photography, showcasing the organic forms in all their glory. Experience the sheer visual richness in 32k UHD.

Prompt Used

Chrysanthemum flower photo le nyonya, in the style of organic abstracts, layered organic forms, bloomcore, ultrafine detail, schlieren photography, photo, 32k uhd, delicate and intricate details
