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Refreshing Red Wine Spritzer: Peaches, Ice, Bubbles

By @prompts  •  
Refreshing Red Wine Spritzer: Peaches, Ice, Bubbles
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Indulge in the refreshing essence of a crisp peach-infused sparkling juice, served in a stunning red wine glass, accompanied by ice cubes for a cool sensation. The vibrant hues of juicy peaches and delicate peach blossoms blend seamlessly with the effervescent bubbles, creating a visually captivating experience on a clean and serene white background. This ultra high definition rendering in 8K showcases the realistic details, making it a feast for the eyes.

Prompt Used

A red wine glass, peaches, ice cubes, small sparkling juA red wine glass, three peaches of different shapes, ice cubes, bubble, juice, one peach blossom, bubble, pink, white background, realistic, 8K, OC rendering, ultra high definitionice, peach blossoms, bubbles, pink, clean, realistic, 8K, OC rendering, ultra high definition
