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Surreal Night View: Epic 8K CG Rendering with Cinematic Lighting

By @mjart  •  
Surreal Night View: Epic 8K CG Rendering with Cinematic Lighting
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Lost in the surreal beauty of the night sky, where the stars shine bright and the clouds dance in a rainbow of colors.

Prompt Used

The night view on the brilliant lights and clouds. This is a surreal and complex cg rendering,purple, rainbow light, soft and smooth clouds, wide lake, starry sky, Milky Way, smooth clouds, rays, beams, black, Tindal effect, cg3d effect, clean and transparent sky, light penetrating ultra wide angle, overhead shooting, atmosphere, super shocking reality affecting complex details 8k, warm glow, Epic, shocking, very detailed, cinematic lighting, high - definition, high - definition 8K, high - definition 8K, HD
