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Vibrant Fields & Rainbows: Ultra-High Definition iPhone Wallpaper

By @mjart  •  
Vibrant Fields & Rainbows: Ultra-High Definition iPhone Wallpaper
PromptForge  •  Just Released!

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Prompt Description

Nature's canvas unveils its vibrant masterpiece as the fields come alive with a breathtaking rainbow, capturing the essence of post-rain freshness in high definition.

Prompt Used

Main content: after the rain, The rainbow appeared in the field. , Environment, background atmosphere: fields, fresh air after rain, A bright rainbow. , Composition, lens: high angle, Including fields and rainbows. , Stylized, reference direction: rainbow scenery like William Turner after rain, Highlight the bright colors of the rainbow. , Ultra - high definition meticulous painting, Realistic style, High definition iPhone wallpaper, 32k uhd, Realistic Details
